Affinity offers free credit counseling services through Navicore Solutions and Consolidated Credit. You can select which of the two organizations to work with you. For those wishing in person service, Navicore has a New Jersey office. All of these organizations credit counselors are certified by a variety of certification organizations, including the National Foundation for Credit Counseling through a series of rigorous examinations on credit and money management. Any information provided or discussed with your credit counselor is held in the strictest confidence.

Credit Report Review including:
- Your overall financial picture
- How to improve your credit score
- The negative and positive factors that can affect your credit score
- Credit line utilization
- Explanation of judgments and derogatory marks (accounts in collections, bankruptcies, civil judgments, and liens) and how long these remain on a credit report
- The best way to close accounts and remove trades from your credit report

Budget Review including:
- Thorough review of your financial situation and monthly expenses
- Guidance on where you can cut back to increase positive cash flow
- Recommended payment plan options to decrease debt load
- Alternative financing options to improve your credit, monthly cash flow and financial stability for the future